Crafting Powerful Weapons in Path of Exile


Crafting powerful weapons in Path of Exile allows you to tailor your gear to suit your build and maximize your damage output. In this guide, we will explore the process of crafting powerful weapons that can enhance your character's performance in combat.

Understand the Crafting Methods:

Familiarize yourself with the different crafting methods available in Path of Exile. These include basic crafting using currency items, essence crafting, fossil crafting, and advanced methods like meta-crafting and influence crafting. Each method offers unique possibilities and requires different resources.

Determine Your Desired Base Type:

Decide on the base type of the weapon you want to craft. Consider the weapon class (e.g., one-handed sword, bow, or staff) and the specific base type within that class (e.g., Vaal Rapier, Harbinger Bow, or Imperial Staff). The base type determines the weapon's implicit modifiers and potential affixes.

Acquire the Base Item:

Obtain the desired base item for crafting. You can find them as drops, trade with other players, or purchase them from NPCs. Look for high-item-level bases to increase the potential tier of affixes that can be rolled.

Quality and Sockets:

Improve the quality of the weapon using Blacksmith's Whetstones or Glassblower's Baubles. Quality increases the weapon's physical damage and critical strike chance. If needed, use Jeweler's Orbs and Chromatic Orbs to adjust the number and colors of sockets.

Identify Desired Affixes:

Determine the affixes you want on your weapon based on your build and playstyle. Consider modifiers like increased physical damage, attack speed, critical strike chance, and elemental damage. You can refer to online resources or trade websites to see the available affixes for your weapon's base type.

Basic Crafting:

Start with basic crafting using currency items. Use Orbs of Alteration, Augmentation, and Regal Orbs to roll desired affixes. You can also use Blessed Orbs to reroll the values of existing affixes. Chaos Orbs can be used to completely randomize the affixes, but this method is riskier and may require more investment.

Essence Crafting:

Consider essence crafting if you have access to powerful essences. Essences guarantee specific affixes when used on an item. Look for essences that provide desirable modifiers for your weapon type and use them to guarantee those affixes during crafting.

Fossil Crafting:

Utilize fossils to target specific affixes during crafting. Fossils can be used in combination to manipulate the modifiers that can be rolled on your weapon. For example, using Dense Fossils can increase the chance of rolling physical damage modifiers.


Once you have a good base with desired affixes, you can engage in meta-crafting to further improve the weapon. This involves using the crafting bench and specific currency items like Exalted Orbs, Annulment Orbs, and Divine Orbs to add, remove, or modify affixes. Meta-crafting is an advanced and expensive method that requires careful planning and investment.

Influence Crafting:

If you have access to influenced items (e.g., Shaper or Elder), you can use influence crafting to add powerful modifiers to your weapon. Influenced items can have special mods that significantly enhance their effectiveness. Be aware that influence crafting requires specific resources and can be challenging to execute.

Seek Assistance or Trade:

If you are new to crafting or lack the necessary resources, seek guidance from experienced players or consider trading for a well-crafted weapon. Many players specialize in crafting and can provide valuable assistance in creating the perfect weapon for your build.

Experiment and Iterate:

Crafting is an iterative process. Don't be discouraged by initial failures or suboptimal rolls. Learn from each attempt, adjust your strategy, and keep refining your craft. With perseverance, you can create powerful weapons that greatly enhance your character's effectiveness in combat.

By following these steps and exploring various crafting methods, you can create powerful weapons that perfectly complement your build in Path of Exile. Experiment with different approaches, be patient, and embrace the thrill of creating your own personalized gear. If you are missing POE Currency and POE Items, you can easily purchase them from Good luck on your crafting journey!