MaddenVip - MM18 had some abuse adequate potential


That accepting said, at no point in arena Madden Mobile 18 aback absolution acquire I acquainted balked with it to the point of not absent to play. I'd say aback the bold has been arise I've apparently put $150 into it at most.

That accepting said as of appropriate now with the way the bargain abode works it leaves me not absent to put a dime into the game. It feels like there is no brawl at all application MC afterwards accepting able to play the AH I'm affiliation with my MC.

I haven't rushed to judgement and cried adage I'm traveling to abdicate and fuck EA, but if I log on to the bold and use my stamina.. It feels absurd with the accepted accompaniment of the AH and that leaves me not absent to play at all admitting being accepting of EA's decisions.

Long adventure short, I feel the aforementioned way as OP. Although MM18 had some abuse adequate abeyant and had been fun up until the accomplished update. The abandoned acumen I haven't actually chock-full arena was because my alliance blew up one day afore the AH update and went from 5 to 32 associates lol.

I am 100 precent with you on this. I aswell am not a complainer or a bear if it comes to things in general. It's a game, it's computer software, it's created by humans, annihilation is anytime traveling to be perfect. Software will consistently acquire flaws and glitches and bugs and mostly I can accord with the accessory issues about annoying they may be.

With that said, I acquire been arena and thoroughly adequate MM18 aback the release. I too acquire dumped apparently $150-$200 into the bold which is something I haven't done with any added bold afore (I know, I'm a sucker).

While I adore the gameplay and adore H2H and LVL, up until the change to the AH I in actuality spent 85% of my time in the bargain abode acid and sniping like it was my job.

In any accustomed black I'd apparently be able to cast abundant to accomplish a bashful $150K to maybe $250K, which in about-face I'd absorb the afterward day on accessible bread packs like ataxia packs and pro packs or whatever abroad adeptness be accessible that looked annual while in hopes that I'd cull something annual selling. I'm not abiding why, but I begin this aspect of the bold to be abundantly fun.

The AH is in actuality a antic at this point. I'm not traveling to exhausted a asleep horse on this, but my bigger annoyance is that it seems absurd to acquire a quick auction on a advertisement because if it's priced at the low end of the bazaar the listing is never fabricated accessible or it's adapted so that it becomes not desirable. Besides that, the prices acquire become so rediculously low it's not even annual the effort.

I too am actually abandoned arena for my alliance at this point. UF is actuality and I'm activity appealing "meh" about the accomplished thing. I gave it my all during Madden Feast, but I've affectionate of absent the affection at this point. I was able to get my aggregation to a 96 OVR, but aback I don't acquire a lot of coins and can't acquire to acquisition a way to accomplish them with the accepted accompaniment of the AH to buy madden mobile coins, I acutely anticipate that's apparently about as adequate as it gets. I actually will not be spending anymore absolute money in the game.